The Growing Importance Of A Wheel Alignment Service

The wheels on a car are one of the most important parts. They provide traction, and they help to ensure that your vehicle is stable. However, over time they can become misaligned or damaged, which can lead to poor performance and safety issues. Luckily, there's an easy way to keep your wheels straight: Wheel Alignment in Christchurch Service!

The Importance of Wheel Alignment

The importance of wheel alignment cannot be overstated. It is the only thing that touches the road, so if your wheels are not aligned properly, you will have a hard time driving. When tires are not aligned properly, it causes uneven tire wear which leads to poor performance and can even cause damage to other parts of your vehicle.

When we say "wheel alignment," we mean that all four wheels should be parallel to each other and perpendicular (straight up) with respect to each other. This means that if you draw an imaginary line through two points on each tire's centerline (the imaginary line running down their middle), all four lines would intersect at one point in space (this point is called "zero casters").

How Do I Know If My Car Needs Wheel Alignment?

If you've noticed that your car pulls to one side when you brake, accelerate or turn, it may be time for a Mechanics Service in Christchurch. A sign of poorly aligned wheels is if the steering wheel itself appears crooked. This could be caused by uneven tire wear on opposite sides of the vehicle as well as other issues such as bent suspension components and broken suspension bushings.

If these signs sound familiar in your car's performance, bring them into our shop so we can perform an inspection and recommend solutions that will get your wheels back on track!

When to Get a Wheel Alignment?

-Your car pulls to one side when you brake, accelerate or turn.

-The steering wheel itself appears crooked.

-Uneven tire wear on opposite sides of the vehicle.

An Easy Way To Keep Your Wheels Straight

One of the most important things to do when you're driving is to make sure your wheels are straight. If they're not, it can cause all sorts of problems for your vehicle and its passengers. Here are some tips for keeping them straight:

  • Always check the alignment before a long trip. If you know that there's going to be a lot of driving involved, such as on vacation or a road trip, then make sure you check the alignment beforehand so that everything stays in good condition during longer drives.
  • Get an annual inspection done by a professional mechanic at least once per year (or more often if necessary). Many people don't realize how often this needs to happen until something goes wrong with their car and then they find out that their tires were out of alignment all along! But if they had just gotten regular inspections done every few months get where I'm going with this one!


There are many reasons to get your wheels aligned, but the most important is safety. A car with a bad Wheel Alignment in Christchurch can be dangerous to drive and can cause accidents. If you notice any of these signs in your car's steering or suspension system, it's time for an inspection by a professional.

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